Baha'is of Sonoma County

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Baha'is of Sonoma County

Building a Better Tomorrow

Children's Classes

'The fruits of the human tree are exquisite, highly desired and dearly cherished. Among them are upright character, virtuous deeds and a goodly utterance....'Bahá’u'lláh

We offer valuable free classes for children, ages 5-10 years old, based on fundamental principles and values present in all religions and using simple Baha'i quotes to illustrate the lesson. These series of classes build on one another to teach crucial virtues and values, such as truthfulness, generosity, sharing and patience. Stories, cooperative games, an art project, songs and memorization on a specific virtue are used. Parent participation is strongly encouraged.

To attend a class in your area, please contact us. Permission of class teacher is needed to attend.

Our Children Are Our Future

I helped teach a Santa Rosa Baha'i-sponsored children's class Tuesday of this week. The spring afternoon was bursting with new life, warm air, lovely breezes and blooming wisteria. Even more beautiful than the day was the experience of helping the eight children work on different coloring projects in preparation for their presentation in circle. The presentation was centered around a beautiful Baha'i prayer, Blessed Is The Spot. This prayer was chosen for its imagery, simplicity and universality of appeal. Here are the words:

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